Home > Potty Training in One Day™ - The Potty Scotty Kit w/DVD
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Product Description

This item was featured on TV today show, written up in Time and showcased in several other news media and it really works.
The Potty Scotty™ Kit includes the following 4 items:
1. The Potty Scotty™ boy potty training doll
2. 3 "big kid" doll potty training pants
3. 2 Bottles to feed Potty Scotty™
4. Potty Training in One Day - Book & DVD Set
1) Potty Scotty™ - the Boy Potty Training Doll is Specially Designed to Potty Train™. He is:
16" Tall
Made of soft vinyl
Anatomically correct
Drink & Wet-on-Demand™
Can be fed laying down or sitting up
Can urinate in ANY potty or toilet
Scotty can urinate / pee standing up or sitting down
Clothes specially designed to potty train
Wearing a diaper underneath clothes
Doll can be given a bath
No batteries required
Doll conforms to the ASTM F963 safety requirements
2) 3 "big kid" doll potty training pants (recommended by Dr Phil's method)
Potty Scotty™ comes wearing a diaper underneath his two piece outfit. On the "Big Day" - Scotty will ceremoniously change into his potty training pants (along with your son, who will change into his "Big Kid" Potty Training Pants) to celebrate the fact that they are now big boys and do not wear diapers any more!!
The additional two doll potty training pants are included because Scotty will have accidents on the "Big Day" and will have to change into his clean potty pants (part of the Potty Training in One Day Process!!)
3) 2 Bottles to feed Potty Scotty
We have included two different type of bottles for the potty training doll. The first one has a screw top lid - so to fill it up - you simply unscrew the lid and put it under the tap.
The second bottle is a one piece design and fills up by suction. To fill this bottle - you squeeze it and place it inverted in glass full of water. The first time, it will probably fill up about half way. To get more water into the bottle, squeeze it again until the rest of the air is out and then again place it inverted into the glass of water.
4) Potty Training in One Day - Book & DVD Set
The book will not only walk you through the entire potty training process, this guide shows you a step by step process on how to potty train your child and is based on my experience, as well as the collective experiences of all the moms that used these dolls.
The table of contents for the Parent's Potty Training Guide: How to Potty Train in One Day is as follows:
Potty Training Concepts
Are you Ready? The Planning and Preparation
The "Big Day"
The Follow-Up
Key Questions and Issues
The DVD gives you a visual tour of how the process works with real moms potty training their children.
Safety Information:
Caution: Never leave child unattended on potty or toilet
Warning: CHOKING HAZARD - small parts. Not suitable for children under 3 years
Dolls conform to ASTM F963 Safety Requirements.