Your Eco-Friendly & Healthy Living Products
Handbag Hangers

We have here three styles of purse hooks / hangers. They are the most elegant collection with quality and value in the market.
One is for casual or business meeting, the other two are for occasions when you would want to use a more dressed up purse / bag hanger.
We think everyone needs a purse or bag hanger so that you would always be able to keep your bag / purse / diaper bag conveniently next to you with your valuables off the public floor wherever you are or for whatever occasion. Just imagine, you will never have to leave your bag / diaper bags / purse on the floor.
We think the bag / purse hangers need to be easily accessible for you to use when the occasion presents itself.
All our hangers are packaged with its own black velvet draw string bag.
Store this bag in your purse / bag and the purse hanger will always be there for you to use.
Wholesale inquires are welcomed for all purse hangers.
 $12.95 |  $12.95 |  $8.95 |
 Regular price: $34.85 Sale price: $31.00 |